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Friday, November 29, 2013

Friday Fives #3

Because I suck and missed last week's Friday Fives [bad, Carolyn], I'm making up for the week lost and week past in this post. Double the awesomeness, awe heckie yeah.

1. Online Black Friday shopping. I'm not gonna lie, I'm a sucker for a sale, especially if it's more than 50% off. Needless to say, I've been going crazy. I've spent $60 in the past 3 days, a new, very sad, personal record.

2. Moe's is a Mexican mix between buffet, fast food, and sit down restaurants. If you haven't been to one, I recommend it. It's a very interesting experience, and soooo yummy.

3. Hard Candy Glamoflauge Concealer. I cannot rave enough. You all have to buy this concealer. It's like, 6 bucks at Walmart and it's lasted me a year; I can't believe I've almost finished it. Absolutely amazeballs for my seriously broken out skin. [I'm blaming it on the grease and fumes at work. Gag.]

4. Wanelo. I rediscovered my love for this app and I can't even at the beauty of shopping tumblr, basically. Will someone buy me my Birthday Wishlist collection please?

5. The International Delights Caramel Macchiato coffee creamer. If you saw my Sweater Weather Tag, you heard me rave about this stuff enough; I put it in my hot chocolate and it makes it taste like the Dunkin Donuts Salted Caramel one. NOMS!!

Embedded image permalink1. On Monday, I wore a button up sweater and no cardigan underneath. Why I thought it was a good idea to wear my scarlet bra under a cardigan is beyond me.

2. I drove without my permit last night. Breakin the law, one day at a time, woo.

3. Forgetting my key ring at my grandparent's house [yes, permit included], I also didn't have my debit card to buy my cart on Wetseal during the sale today. I called my Grammy for my card number. What can I say? I wasn't going to let BOGO 80% off go. 

4. My last paycheck was $25. I need a new job.

5. I completely forgot about my blog this week; BUT I caught up on YouTube things and that feels good.

1. My T-Shirt business-y thing has really been booming lately. I just hit my 100 total sales mark!

2. I hit 1,000 subscribers on YouTube. I've had 1,000 subscribers on another channel before, but that was with those horrible spam messages [I was naive, what can I say] begging for subs. These viewers are honest, genuine people I have watching me, and I feel so good about that!

3. I bought the leggings I've been telling myself to buy in all of my Friday Fives posts. Five pairs for $17.

4. I didn't overstuff myself last night. Until they brought out the apple cheesecake caramel squares. I tried. It's the thought that counts, right?

5. I'm all caught up to Glee, besides last night's episode! If you haven't seen the Cory Monteith tribute, you need to. Even if you're not a Gleek, everyone needs a good cry once in a while.

1. Finish Christmas shopping. I've got all my friend's gifts all purchased and on their way to my house, now it's all about my mom, grandparents and Secret Santa's! [Yes, I have multiple.]

Embedded image permalink2. Get my clothing situations under control. I can't see my closet floor. See my dilemma?

3. Start and finish season 6 of Gossip Girl. I'm waiting for the right rainy day!

4. Do some serious at home DIYing and get my skin back in order. I don't know what's up and I'm not happy about it.

5. Make a calendar and prerecord//prewrite//schedule videos and blog posts for the next month. I slacked hard this week. 

How was your week?
What's your favorite DIY face mask?
Did you overeat on Thanksgiving?
Have a lovely Friday!!
I'm linking up with Lauren for H54F today! 

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