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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wednesday Questionnaire - Fall Themed Questions!

Hey guys! For these random Wednesdays, I decided I would try and do more 'get to know the girl behind the blog' type posts. And what better way to do that than a Q&A? I've always fanaticized about being interviewed on the Today show. But I guess this is as close as I'm going to get for now.

I do monthly Q&As on my YouTube channel if you're interested and one was just uploaded!

For today's questions, I went with a full theme. (Uhhh, B A S I C . ) Okay, not really. I love fall. Oh wow, I can hear ya'll thinking the common white girl joke. HUSH, little ladies! I needed a cool way to kick off our random Wednesday's, so here it is.


1. Do you celebrate Halloween? If so, how?
Yes, but I've never been good at dressing up... or decorating... or being scary... I'm a really good candy eater, guys.

2. What’s your favourite autumn colour?
As far as natural colors go, bright reds never fail to amaze me, whether they're on trees or part of a sunset. But let's be real here, black is my go to fashion color at the moment. I would wear all black every day if I could.

3. What’s your favourite thing about Autumn? 
Blankets and pants. I have a huge blue slanket that I tote around with me for a solid 6 months. Yes, since I know you're thinking it, I probably do look like a giant 6' baby. And pants. Because thunder thighs. I have them. Ugh. AND FOOTBALL. Oh my goodness, football. And the smell of soup cooking. Yum. Sundays during the fall are basically heavenly.

4. Is Autumn your favourite season? If so, why?
For the most part, yes. I do enjoy the beginning of spring (April - May) but fall triggers something in my brain that just immediately makes me feel like I'm in a movie or something - like I'm one of those unstoppable female characters that totally takes over the school after knocking out the popular b*tch.

5. Are you superstitious? 
Obviously. I don't know why, but I totally think if I wear the wrong outfit during a football game, the Giants will lose. (So far, I've worn the wrong outfit for 6 weeks. Shopping trip?)

Uh, yes please! source
6. If you could carve a pumpkin right now, any design you wanted with no complications no matter how complex or difficult, what would you carve?
Cinderella's castle. I did Tinkerbelle a few years ago and it's most definitely time to step up my game. No more triangles and crooked teeth for this girl(s pumpkins).

7. What is your favourite memory from past Autumns?
The past 2 years that I've had spirit week at school. If you're in high school, you know that powder puff and the Thanksgiving pep rally are the best events of the school year!

8. Would you rather go out for a walk during fall, or stay inside? 
I wish I was that outdoorsy type that goes on 8 hour hikes through the woods, but I like my laptop. And wifi. Although I do go on weekly hikes, I love coming home and snuggling up in PJs for the rest of the day.

9. What’s your favourite item/s of clothing to wear during autumn? 
Pants. And oversized everything.

10. Do you prefer Autumn, Winter or Summer fashion ranges?
Definitely fall; I hate my thighs and jeans are a perfect way to hide them! I feel the most confident wearing fall clothing. The colors look nice with my pale skin and I can cover up everything I don't like, without being frozen. Cough, cough, winter.

11. Do you have a special book for indoor reading on those chilly autumn days?
My brother recommended I read 13 Reasons Why. It's been on my bed side table for months now and I plan to sit down with it one of these days when my schedule calms down in December.

12. What’s your favourite thing about Halloween?
Candy. Basically, I was a fat child. And even though you take the fat off the girl, you can't take the fat habits out of the girl. Pretend that made sense.

13. Do you make Jack-o’-Lanterns for Halloween?
I haven't in a while because high school sucks the soul out of me, but I want to this year! I think I'm going to be in charge of decorating our little .1 acre lot this year.

14. Do you have any special autumn foods?
...All of the food? No, but I love my mom's apple pie and all the bread that comes along with the holidays. NOMS.

So there are my autumn questions. If you want to do these questions in a post of your own, leave your link in the comments section below so I can check them all out! Let's spread the fall love!

Questions via autumnalfeeling.tumblr.com

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